Plants & Pollen Glossary
Accessory Fruits Achene Aggregate Fruits Alternate Leaf Arrangement Angiosperm Annuals Anther Biennials Bipinnate Leaf Blade Bracts Bryophyte Bulbs Calyx Carnivorous Plant Carpel (Pistil) Catkin Chlorophyll Complete Flower Coniferous Corolla Deciduous Dioecious Diptera Drupe Epiphyte Fibrous Root System Forbs Fruit Gamete Graminoids Herbaceous Heterotroph Hymenoptera Imperfect Flower Inflorescence Internode Lepidoptera Monocots Monoecious Morphology Multiple Fruits Mutualism […]
Birds Glossary
Anisodactyl Arboreal Hypothesis Beak Contour Feather Cursorial Hypothesis Feathers Genus Herbivore Insectivore Invertebrate Mammal Nest Nesting Ornithology Passerine Perch Pollinator Skeleton Species Syrinx Vertebrate Wings
Snow Glossary
Absorption Albedo Atmosphere Biosphere Cryosphere Density Earth’s Energy Budget Equi-temperature Metamorphosis Hydrosphere Ice Albedo Feedback Loop Infrared Radiation Insulator Lithosphere Reflection Reflection Symmetry Rotational Symmetry Snow Thermal Conductivity Solar Radiation Symmetry Temperature Gradient Metamorphosis Transect
Water Glossary
Chemistry Terms Acid Adhesion Anions Aqueous Solutions Base Capillary Action Cations Chemistry Cohesion Compound Covalent Bond Dipole Electric Charge Electrolyte Electron Gas Hydrogen Hydrogen Bond Hydronium (Ions) Hydroxide (Ions) Ionic Bond Ionization Ions Liquid Metal Molecule Oxidation Oxygen Polarity Precipitate Purified (Distilled, Deionized) Water Salt Saturation Solid Solute Solution Solvent Specific Heat Surface Tension […]
Soil Glossary
Archaea Bacteria Biodiversity Biofilm Biomass Colony Compost Culture Domain Duff Eucarya Inorganic Kingdom Loam Microbe Organic Petri dish pH Phylogenetic Prokaryote Protista Soil Soil Profile & Soil Horizons Soil Types Taxonomy Weathering
Landscape Glossary
Alluvial Fan ArĂȘte Atmosphere Chemical Weathering Cirque Compressional Tectonics Convection Delta Deposition Elevation Erosion Gradient Hydrosphere Landforms Lithosphere Physical Weathering Relief Soil Tectonic Extension Tectonic Forces Topographic Profiles Topography Transcurrent Tectonics Uplift Weathering
Mapping Glossary
Definition of legend and geography from: The American Heritage Dictionary/ of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company. Definition of reference frame from: Definition of sketch map from: *Definition adapted from: Armantrout, N. B. compiler. 1998. Glossary of aquatic habitat inventory terminology. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. #Definition adapted from: Krygier, […]
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