Mapping Human Impacts
All of the natural resources you have been investigating at your sites – landforms and their soils, water quality and quantity in the form of snow, birds, plants, and macroinvertebrates – can be studied using mapping, as we discussed in Module 1: Mapping. Let’s see how maps can be a tool for presenting and analyzing data.
Water Quality
You can zoom in on different states and even look at data from individual stations. Check it out here. The USGS recently released a report on samples scientists took from over 500 public well-water supplies in 41 states (Montana unfortunately was not one of those sampled). The results indicate human impacts on the sources of contamination in public water supplies. Human sourced contaminants included Dieldren (insecticide), nitrate (naturally occurring but elevated levels suggest agricultural fertilizer, manufacturing and fossil fuel burning), and perchloroethene (solvent used in dry cleaning, textile industries, metal cleaning and rubber coating). In addition, some potentially harmful organic compounds were very common in well samples, but are not represented because human-health benchmarks for these compounds have not been established.
For over 40 years, scientists working for the Internal Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have been trying to understand how our climate is changing on a global scale. One of the tools they use is a suite of computer models, designed to simulate how the earth’s systems may change as our climate changes. Most of these models suggest that if carbon dioxide levels continue to rise at their current rate, global temperature will also continue to increase and will be correlated with changes in snow and ice cover. Here is a map generated by one of the models, based on this “extreme” scenario (A1F1):
You can run this model yourself here.
Montana Audubon, a non-profit group dedicated to the study of Montana’s bird life, has identified key bird habitats around the state as part of its’ Important Bird Areas (IBA) Program. The IBA Program is part of the National Audubon Society’s global mission to identify, monitor, and protect critical habitats for conserving healthy bird populations. There are 39 Important Bird Areas in Montana, five of which are designated for protection of Greater Sage-Grouse and sage-steppe associated bird species. Greater Sage-Grouse were recently determined to warrant protection under the Endangered Species Act, based on declines in population numbers (30% since 1985) due to human impacts such as invasive species, urbanization, energy development and overgrazing.
The Montana Natural Heritage Program (MNHP) “provides information on Montana’s species and habitats, emphasizing those of conservation concern.” The MNHP collects records on the distribution, abundance and ecology of plant and animal species (even insects!) from around the state, and provides this information to the public in a variety of formats – including maps.
You can get involved in mapping native species here.
As you already discussed in the module, aquatic macroinvertebrates can be good indicators of the biological health of waters. Here is an example of how one watershed group in Washington, D.C. created a map of macroinvertebrate data to show trends in stream health in their watershed: